Meaning of ubharana in english

Interpreting ubharana - उभरना
As noun : bag Ex:  Your bag is ponderous.
As verb :
get over Ex:  I thought I would never get over the mumps . emerge Ex:  Since it began to emerge as a major city
Other : to become prominent (the breasts to shoot Ex:  By extension, Sunset aim, adjust his rifle and aim to shoot someone, something to increase Ex:  The campaign was designed to increase public awareness of the problem. to appear Ex:  Princess Grace became the first U.S. actress to appear on a U.S. postage stamp. to overflow stirred (as by passion to swell to fill Ex:  The M1923 was intended to fill the role of the Browning Automatic Rifle to emerge Ex:  Since it began to emerge as a major city to rise Ex:  The mixed dough is then allowed to rise one or more times to be developed Ex:  Sliced bread began to be developed from 1912 onwards. to spring up to flourish to develop (a pain symptoms Ex:  psychosomatic symptoms should be properly checked. to become excited to Ex:  `Yogis anglicized to `Yoga. to protrude or project to bulge out protrude Ex:  Suburban residents live in traditional gers that do not protrude into the soil.
Suggested : to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity to project (used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed to from ) a container or receptacle of leather, plastic, cloth, paper, etc, capable of being closed at the mouth pouch to receive or come to have possession , use, or enjoyment of
Exampleउभरना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ubharana Antonyms of ubharana

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Usage of उभरना:
1. भारत का मजबूती से उभरना दुनिया के हित में LiveHindustan2. पाक भूकंप: द्वीप उभरना भूगर्भीय बदलाव, शोध का विषय LiveHindustan3. आप का उभरना बड़ी पार्टियों के लिए चेतावनी: भाजपा, कांग्रेस LiveHindustanRelated words :
ubharana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Verb in hindi originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : ubharanaa

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