Meaning of utsah heen,utsah hin in english

Interpreting utsah heen,utsah hin - उत्साह हीन
As noun : chilly Ex:  The altitude makes for some chilly evenings
chill Ex:  Max put the chill on the guys who threatened him .
Other : heartless
Suggested : unfeeling unkind unsympathetic harsh cruel coldness, especially a moderate but uncomfortably penetrating coldness mildly cold or producing a sensation of cold causing shivering chill
Exampleउत्साह हीन का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of utsah heen,utsah hin Antonyms of utsah heen,utsah hin

Word of the day
utsah heen,utsah hin can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : utsaaha hiina

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