Meaning of (उदीरित) udeerita in english

As noun : alleged Ex:  Despite the alleged brutality of the Shah's regime
aroused Ex:  This relationship aroused many reactions and even Pericles' own son worked up inflamed Ex:  It is, in terms of medicine, gradual return of a swollen body of an inflamed tissue to its normal state hyped up wired Ex:  The reply wasn't wired back in time . pumped up roily charge up astir abroach raise Ex:  In February 1601, the earl tried to raise a rebellion in London. exasperated Ex:  His enemies have exasperated his mood roiling pumped Ex:  From the left ventricle the oxygen-rich blood is pumped out via the aorta elated Ex:  An elated Hermie goes home and puts on a suit ebullient accretion Ex:  Heated by the energy of accretion and
As verb : supposed Ex:  It was supposed to be a secret . excited Ex:  His trademarks include his excited manner agitated Ex:  His hair floating in the wind, they float in the air, agitated by the wind arouse Ex:  TOSS means, figuratively, excite and arouse some feeling, some movement in the soul roiled flushed Ex:  He had entered the ministry, but it has flushed the heated Ex:  After his re-election, Bush received increasingly heated criticism. wind up advanced Ex:  Science has advanced enough to clone genetically.
As adjective : mentioned Ex:  Page never mentioned Henry Rogers frantic Ex:  Research in both theoretical and practical areas continues at a frantic pace fierce Ex:  After short but fierce naval and air battles edgy irritated Ex:  The hotel's bellhop, Benny Rabbit, tends to be easily irritated emotional Ex:  He also examined the relationship between physical and emotional love feverish Ex:  In a feverish manner ablaze incandescent Ex:  An iron mass incandescent mad Ex:  John has been mad at Mary for a week . hot Ex:  She was scalded badly when hot tea fell on her. big Ex:  The sailors discovered the big mother of perl on the voyage. developed Ex:  Salman khan, the popular actor has well developed physique. triumphant Ex:  in the summer of 1958 the pianist had a sensationally triumphant return bright Ex:  Unfortunately the remaining parts of the Sun are still just as bright buoyant Ex:  buoyant house, misdirected, House whose exposure was well, badly chosen jubilant
Suggested : to stir to action or strong response excite stirred emotionally agitated assumed as true, regardless of fact hypothetical to refer briefly to name , specify, or speak of declared or stated to be as described asserted
Exampleउदीरित का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(उदीरित) udeerita can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : udiirita

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