Meaning of vastr in english

Interpreting vastr - वस्ट्र
As noun : dress Ex:  A simple dress
thread Ex:  Follow the thread of events garment Ex:  A double garment sateen cloth Ex:  Another method requires a cloth marked out with Finn's Window. things Ex:  Pythagoras believed that all things were composed of numbers
Suggested : a material object without life or consciousness an inanimate object a fabric formed by weaving, felting, etc, from wool, hair, silk, flax, cotton, or other fiber, used for garments, upholstery, and many other items any article of clothing a fine cord of flax, cotton, or other fibrous material spun out to considerable length, especially when composed of two or more filaments twisted together an outer garment for women and girls, consisting of bodice and skirt in one piece
Exampleवस्ट्र का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of vastr Antonyms of vastr

Word of the day
vastr can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : vasTra

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