Meaning of (विशकलित) vishakalita in english

As noun : wide ranging
noticeable Ex:  Other noticeable sections include the area near St. bold Ex:  The word is bold graphic Ex:  Tetsuya Nomura, and Yusuke Naora, who worked as field graphic artists. manifest Ex:  It means figuratively born, to be produced grow, manifest unmistakeable glaring
As verb : varied Ex:  Roman's subjects varied throughout his life. articulate Ex:  In terms of grammar, phonetic writing says of writing the signs of which are single articulate sounds, vowels or consonants bald clear cut
As adjective : sundry various Ex:  These various services several Ex:  Yerevan is divided into several districts different Ex:  The kammerladers were manufactured in several different models explicit Ex:  James made the Europe–America contrast even more explicit in his next novel. lucid Ex:  Hailed for its lucid style unambiguous Ex:  Sign unequivocal, unambiguous prominent Ex:  Tasmania has produced two prominent international cricket stars vivid Ex:  vivid Expressions Expressions where is felt the fire of imagination candid categorical emphatic Ex:  It said, in a bad sense, a man with all the eloquence consists in a primed style, emphatic and declamatory obvious Ex:  This recombination is most obvious when it occurs between subtypes. observable Ex:  These are known as "eigenstates" of the observable . marked Ex:  The same year marked the outbreak of the Mexican-American War . trenchant pointed Ex:  As Roman Jakobson pointed out craggy crystal clear unequivocal Ex:  , This action is suspicious, the intention is unequivocal unmistakable Ex:  By extension, it also means Who is certain, unmistakable transparent Ex:  hard scales, round, transparent well marked Ex:  The difference is not well marked distinct Ex:  Among philosophers, there are two distinct viewpoints on time.
Suggested : fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated leaving nothing merely implied unequivocal characterized by or exhibiting variety various diverse diversified being more than two but fewer than many in number or kind of different kinds, as two or more things differing one from another various or diverse
Exampleविशकलित का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(विशकलित) vishakalita can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vishakalita

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