bhog meaning in english

भोग का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : भोग

Transliteration : bhoga

Other spellings : bhog
As noun :

Meaning of bhog in marathi

upabhog / उपभोग

Identical words :

As noun :
bhogitepan ( भोगितेपण ) - the state of being an enjoyer
As transitive verb :
bhogane ( भोगणे ) - to benefit frombhogavine ( भोगविणे ) - to cause to experience
bhogabhumi ( भोगभूमि ) - land of pleasurebhogasthaan ( भोगस्थान ) - - ṚV Ṭīpabhogaabhog ( भोगाभोग ) - repeated sufferingbhogiya ( भोगिया ) - the goal or starting point in a gamebhogi ( भोगी ) - coconut milk used as an ointment
Marathi to English