bol meaning in english

बोळ का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : बोळ

Transliteration : boLa

Other spellings : bol

Meaning of bol in marathi

naash / नाश

Identical words :

As adjective :
bolata ( बोळता ) - thick
As transitive verb :
bolane ( बोळणे ) - to anoint thicklybolavane ( बोळवणे ) - to see offbolaavane ( बोळावणे ) - to see off
bolavan ( बोळवण ) - sending backbola ( बोळा ) - cloth dabber used in frying pancakesbolaavan ( बोळावन ) - sending backbolaava ( बोळावा ) - travelling companion
Marathi to English