avali meaning in english

Word: ஆவலி - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
avali means
1. to weep; shed tears, with or without sound .
2. to mourn for or over.
3. a line of persons or things so arranged
4. the extent or scope of the operation or action of something
5. a number of games, contests, or sporting events, with the same participants, considered as a unit
6. the line of descendants of a particular ancestor; family; race .
7. the rule of such a sequence.

Transliteration : āvali Other spellings : avali

Meanings in english :

As noun :
to desire eagerly long for yearn after to weep cry lament to gape row range continuous line series Ex: A series (ஆவலி) of four wars erupted in colonial North America between 1689 and 1763 .

Meaning of avali in tamil

க்கிறேன் / க்கிறேன்
த்தேன் / த்தேன்ப்பேன் / ப்பேன்க்க / க்கஆசைகூர / ஆசைகூரபுலம்ப / புலம்பகொட்டாவிவிட / கொட்டாவிவிடavali / ஆவளிozungku / ஒழுங்கு
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