etirali meaning in english

Word: எதிராளி - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
etirali means
1. being opposite, as in position.
2. a person, group, etc., that is an opponent in a contest; contestant.
3. the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work
4. a person or thing that is in a position to dispute another's preeminence or superiority

Transliteration : etirāl.i Other spellings : etirali

Meanings in english :

As noun :
antagonist competitor

Meaning of etirali in tamil

etiri / எதிரி
pakainan / பகைஞன்etirvazakkali / எதிர்வழக்காளிetiritaikkaran / எதிரிடைக்காரன்
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