ezuttataikka meaning in english

Word: எழுத்தடைக்க - The tamil word have 11 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
Transliteration : eẕuttaṭaikka Other spellings : ezuttataikka

Meanings in english :

to enclose letters in magical diagrams
to invert a stanza in a figure

Meaning of ezuttataikka in tamil

chakkarattile zuttuvaraiya / சக்கரத்திலெ ழுத்துவரையdiagram one of the one hundred and twenty kinds of miṟaikkavi / diagram one of the one hundred and twenty kinds of மிறைக்கவிchittirakkaviyilezuttataikka / சித்திரக்கவியிலெழுத்தடைக்க
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