impatience meaning in marathi

Word: impatience
Meaning of impatience in english - inability, unwillingness to wait

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
utaavalapan ( उतावलपण )
Synonyms of impatience
nervousness annoyance anxiety eagerness excitement uneasiness anger restlessness irritability intolerance hastiness disquietude agitation violence avidity heat vehemence suspense restiveness haste expectancy rashness edginess fretfulness impetuosity shortness ants in pants irritableness quick temper
Antonyms of impatience
calm calmness happiness joy contentment apathy control forbearance patience enjoyment peace ease endurance tolerance waiting
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
impatientimpenetrable coatingimperceptibleimperilledimpermanentimpetuous actimplement for cracking nuts etcimplement for drawing out wire from a block of metalimplicationimplied meaningimportanceimposing shapeimpossibleimpotentimprint made on dustimprintimprisonmentimprobableimpromptu poetical compositionimproper behaviourimproper timeimproprietyimpure goldimpure substanceimpureimpurityin a challenging mannerin a day or twoin a different directionin a drizzle