double dealing meaning in tamil

Word: double dealing - The english word have 14 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, noun, verbin english.
Meaning of double dealing in english - double-dealing, betrayal, cheat, chicanery, corrupt, crooked, deceit, deceitful, deception, devious, dirt, dirty, dishonest, dishonesty, disloyalty, double-cross, duplicitous, duplicity, faithless, false, falsity, fraud, fraudulent, grift, hanky-panky, hypocrisy, hypocritical, insincere, intrigue, lying, perfidious, play dirty, pretense, scam, shortchange, sly, sneaky, swindle, treacherous, treachery, trick, trickery, two-faced, unprincipled, untruthful, venal, deceitfulness, sleight of hand, ambidexterity, ambidextrous, artificiality, disingenuousness, double-faced, indirection, mala fide, Pecksniffian, perfidy, perjurious, pharisaic, pharisaical, pharisaism, phoniness, sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, sellout, shadiness, shiftiness, slyness, sneakiness, sneaking, tartuffery, treacherousness, trickiness, two-facedness, underhandedness, victimization

Meanings in tamil :

As noun :
maṟupatu ( மாறுபாடு )

Tamil Examples :

1. நீதியரசர்களுக்கும், சட்ட நிபுணர்களுக்கும் இதில் கருத்து மாறுபாடு இல்லை என்று சொல்லி விட முடியாது
nitiyaracharkalukkum, chatta nipunarkalukkum itil karuttu ma?upatu illai en?u cholli vita mutiyatu

Synonyms of double dealing

tricky two-timing untrustworthy wily swindling left- handed mendacity foul play bad faith fourberie sharp practice treason falseness unfaithfulness giveaway double-crossing Judas kiss let-down frame gyp sting hoax racket fake fix baloney rip-off imposture dodge plant whitewash jazz flimflam wrong stunt spoof hustle humbug artifice put-on sham con bill of goods con game dirty pool shell game snow job bunco jive hoaxing cozening bamboozlement cover up dirty trick fast one fast shuffle run around shady deal mislead fleece hoodwink delude bilk dupe deceive victimize defraud trim ream crib beguile skin milk screw gouge diddle shuck take finagle hose beat sucker burn two-time bleed shaft stiff fudge chisel rip off take in sandbag caboodle do a number on fast talk give bum steer jerk around rope in take for a ride take out pull one's leg stratagem machination furtiveness maneuver deviousness ploy plot feint cheating sophistry subterfuge ruse gambit skullduggery wiles surreptitiousness unscrupulous rotten nefarious unethical debauched reprobate bent padded base tainted fixed open extortionate fast and loose inconstant iniquitous knavish mercenary snide praetorian exploiting profiteering suborned bribable gone to the dogs on the take racket up wide open crafty criminal dishonorable dubious illegal questionable ruthless shifty unlawful imposition craftiness cunning smoke and mirrors dissemblance fraudulence dissimulation ambidextrousness trapping defrauding dirty dealing entrapping overreaching artful misleading deceptive astute clandestine counterfeit delusive designing fallacious feline foxy illusory insidious mendacious rascal roguish slick stealthy subtle delusory guileful astucious beguiling deceiving impostrous falsehood prevarication insincerity sophism equivocation trumpery circumvention legerdemain blarney juggling disinformation boondoggle deceptiveness dupery beguilement cozenage hokum defraudation shrewd calculating errant erring evasive fishy oblique put on roundabout scheming faking one out not straightforward obliquitous playing games playing politics indecency filth smut pornography lubricity sleazy below the belt shabby sordid unfair backbiting disreputable recreant sinister slippery traitorous unctuous villainous bluffing hoodwinking infidelity corruption graft stealing bunk faithlessness infamy perfidiousness hocus-pocus crookedness rascality improbity criminality unscrupulousness insidiousness wiliness sedition violation disaffection apostasy recreancy seditiousness breach of trust inconstancy betrayal of trust breaking of faith subversive activity untrueness juggle sell out split stab in the back double deal four-flush illude sell down the river dualism one-upmanship dirty work duality stab in back twoness capricious changeable doubting fickle skeptical unbelieving unreliable unstable wavering changeful fluctuating unconverted unloyal malicious apostate canting malevolent mean renegade wicked perjured treasonable deluding falsehearted forsworn mythomaniac rascally scoundrelly inaccuracy canard story fib misrepresentation tale error erroneousness fallacy unreality uncandidness blackmail spuriousness shakedown string song skunk song and dance barratry duping phony forged mock pseudo bamboozling confidence game amour dalliance fling flirtation liaison love affair mischief monkey business romance shenanigans devilry fooling around funny business hankie-pankie hokey-pokey knavery machinations sexual activity mockery bigotry casuistry pietism quackery speciousness affectation irreverence display lip service glibness unctuousness dissembling false profession pharisaicalness self-righteous unnatural affected assuming bland captious hollow left-handed oily pious smooth pietistic smooth-tongued caviling feigning jivey moralistic smooth-spoken backhanded pretentious dissimulating complication conspiracy cabal hookup collusion contrivance manipulation frame-up little game fibbing misstating equivocating misrepresenting inventing falsifying prevaricating committing perjury snake in the grass undependable betraying bend the rules hit below the belt pull something funny stack the cards stretch the rules charade pretext cloak veneer claim mask gag invention facade evasion acting routine masquerade misstatement ostentation excuse veil fabrication appearance pretentiousness stall guise make-believe posing fakery shuffling falsification schtick posturing dumb act hosing crooked deal sucker game ingenious intriguing impish mischievous canny smart arch cagey covert secret conniving plotting nasty contemptible cowardly secretive yellow double cross catchy fly-by-night false-hearted skin game sweet talk device gimmick distortion illusion delusion conundrum disguise concealment forgery snare blind ambush decoy gull outwit throw set up impose upon play for a fool pull wool over put one over on razzle-dazzle bait and switch backstabbing immoral unprofessional unconscionable abandoned dissolute licentious profligate wanton conscienceless amoral dirty-dealing mercentary stop-at-nothing purchasable buyable magic prestidigitation conjuration escamotage

Antonyms of double dealing

forthright honest truthful fairness honesty frankness truthfulness uprightness sincerity openness trustworthiness forthrightness devotion faithfulness loyalty protection quiet secret fidelity support reality peace aid assist give help lose offer fail be honest ethical moral honorable trustworthy principled helpful kind wholesome good respectable clean pure decent uncorrupt high noble sound purified scrupulous aboveboard lawful straight law-abiding artlessness valid reliable ingenuous naive sincere authentic actual genuine just straightforward direct cleanliness pureness sterility morality purity spotless sterile nice scrupulousness innocence trueness be open tell truth constancy believing constant factual known accurate correct precise substantiated certainty entertainment justice righteousness humble simplicity stupid foolish inept behaved simple unclever candid benevolence donation gift harmless untreacherous harmony love ignorance directness facing meeting seriousness misunderstanding release let go be serious goodness unintelligent coarse
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