ellipsis meaning in tamil

Word: ellipsis - The english word have 8 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of ellipsis in english - figure of speech

Meanings in tamil :

tokainilai ( தொகைநிலை )
the connection of a word with the பயனிலை by omitting a particle
வேற்று மையுருபுமுதலியதொக்குநிற்றல்

Identical words :

ellipsis or omission of a word - ichaiyechcham ( இசையெச்சம் )
ellipsis by which one word qualifies - oruporuttivakam ( ஒருபொருட்டீவகம் )
ellipsis or contraction - tokappatuvatu ( தொகப்படுவது )

Synonyms of ellipsis

allegory allusion analogy anticlimax antithesis bathos comparison conceit device euphemism euphuism exaggeration expression flourish flower hyperbole image imagery irony metaphor ornament parable paradox parallel personification rhetoric sarcasm satire simile analogue understatement adumbration alliteration anaphora antistrophe aposiopesis apostrophe asyndeton communication that is not meant literally stylistic device echoism litotes malapropism manner of speaking metonymy onomatopoeia oxymoron proteron synecdoche trope tropology turn of phrase
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