fix meaning in tamil

Word: fix - The english word have 3 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of fix in english - difficult or ticklish situation, establish, make firm, determine, decide, mend, repair, prepare, plan ahead, focus on, cook a meal, manipulate, influence an event, wreak vengeance on

Meanings in tamil :

nilaippatutta ( நிலைப்படுத்த )

Identical words :

As noun :
fixing - nilaipeṟuttal ( நிலைபெறுத்தல் )
As adjective :
fixed - netunatpatutal ( நெடுநாட்படுதல் )
fixedness - nichchalam ( நிச்சலம் )
fixed state - achaiyanilai ( அசையாநிலை )
fix or retain in mind - avtani ( அவதானி )
fixes the age of man - ayukarakan ( ஆயுகாரகன் )
fixed time or lim it - ittaṟuti ( இட்டறுதி )
fixed or sunk en state of the eyes at the approach of death - iṟaikkuttu ( இறைக்குத்து )
fixing a boat - unṟu ( ஊன்று )
fixed or steadfast look - kuṟippanaparvai ( குறிப்பானபார்வை )
fixed purpose - changkaṟpam ( சங்கற்பம் )
fixed or permanent inhabitant - chukavachi ( சுகவாசி )
fixing of an idol in its place with due ceremony - chukatanam ( சுகாதனம் )
fixed posture standing - tampam ( தம்பம் )
fixed amount of expenditure for any particular purpose - tstik ( தஸ்தீக் )

Synonyms of fix

mess dilemma box predicament spot quandary scrape embarrassment jam corner hole pickle plight hot water settle stabilize install secure consolidate thicken pin affix inculcate connect glue instill graft ingrain attach moor congeal lodge tie implant entrench locate couple cement link stick fasten catch infix stiffen bind steady harden place solidify position embed root anchor nail down rigidify rivet freeze to stay put resolve limit work out specify define appoint name conclude arrange agree on arrive at restore overhaul rebuild revamp patch adjust regulate correct revise sort face-lift doctor amend emend recondition debug reconstruct do up tune up retread fiddle with put to rights see to set up frame dispose put up prearrange precontrive predesign preorder preplan stack the deck direct fixate concentrate concenter level at get fit microwave heat warm ready make up whip up get ready buy reach have maneuver square suborn lubricate bribe corrupt buy off pull strings tamper with punish hurt get even get revenge pay back take retribution

Antonyms of fix

boon advantage solution good fortune benefit ease peace disjoin liquefy thin detach loosen disconnect dislodge disorder release misplace destroy disarrange disorganize unsettle ignore corrupt aid assist divide separate melt unfasten let go remove leave untie lose miss unfix unlink displace forget free change disturb neglect break look away eat out play fair help confuse question wonder damage harm injure worsen cool
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