jovial meaning in tamil

Word: jovial - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of jovial in english - happy

Meanings in tamil :

timitamita ( திமிதமிட )

Identical words :

As noun :
joviality - paimpl ( பைம்பல் )
joviality glee - klippu ( களிப்பு )

Synonyms of jovial

cordial amiable festive buoyant jolly pleasant good-natured chipper sociable cheery affable convivial lighthearted airy animated blithe companionable daffy delightful dizzy enjoyable facetious gay glad gleeful hilarious humorous jocose jocund jubilant loony merry mirthful nutty blithesome bouncy bantering chaffing chirpy conversable festal jokey jollying joshing larking lots of laughs

Antonyms of jovial

unfriendly unpleasant unsociable hateful surly heavy-hearted disagreeable gloomy mean depressed unhappy
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