lodge meaning in tamil

Word: lodge - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of lodge in english - cabin, vacation residence, become fixed or wedged, stay at temporary residence

Meanings in tamil :

toranavayil ( தோரணவாயில் )

Identical words :

Synonyms of lodge

dormitory chalet dwelling shack tavern motel hotel hut shelter inn cottage hostel abode shanty villa house camp haunt stopover couch hospice home hostelry retreat burrow public house country house gatehouse auberge roadhouse abide implant embed stick entrench ingrain remain install catch infix root imbed come to rest perch accommodate rent squat bunk domicile canton station board locate crash park nest bestow entertain room harbor sojourn quarter hole up put up roost

Antonyms of lodge

refuse disorganize unsettle dislodge get out go leave disregard turn away turn out move depart
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