Appoint meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Appoint
As verb : काम पर नियुक्त करना Ex:  The prime minister also has the right to appoint other ministers
चित्या Ex:  The prime minister has the right to appoint a maximum of 3 such ministers डड़ियाना Ex:  Miklas finally conceded to appoint Seyss-Inquart Chancellor. निपाना Ex:  Jethro suggested that Moses appoint judges for lesser matters नियत करना Ex:  The Sovereign may appoint anyone a Privy Counsellor नियुक्त करना Ex:  It fell to the Queen to appoint Harold Macmillan as the new Prime Minister निर्धारित करना Ex:  The government agree to appoint UNITA members to head the Mines बनवना ‡पु Ex:  Abbey in order, That which can not appoint a religious बनाना Ex:  Appearing on the scene said of a man that is just put in a position to appoint to a job that draws eyes on him उ:   लेकिन वह ऐसे मंदिर बनाना चाहते थे, जहां कोई मूर्ति ही न हो। बनावना Ex:  at the opening of each session, the Chamber of Deputies shall appoint a chairman and four vice-presidents मुकर्रर करना Ex:  I appoint you my author रुपायन Ex:  INQUISITOR also employed as a male name appoint a Judge of the Inquisition and also a Magistrate of the Republic of Venice who was responsible for discovering and preventing conspiracies against the government सरजाना Ex:  INQUISITOR also employed as a male name appoint a Judge of the Inquisition and also a Magistrate of the Republic of Venice who was responsible for discovering and preventing conspiracies against the government
Other : ठहराना Ex:  The House of Lords may appoint a chairman for a committee निर्धारण करना Ex:  Town boards have the ability to appoint a town manager if they choose to do so. निश्चय करना Ex:  The president has the power to appoint the prime minister and the cabinet निश्चित करना Ex:  Abbey in commendam, Celle that we could appoint a secular ecclesiastical
Appoint synonyms
set elect name nominate choose install establish select designate finger decree tap fix direct ordain commission settle command allot determine enjoin accredit delegate gear fit supply provide outfit equip rig arm turn out fit out
Appoint antonyms
ignore unsettle disallow retract refuse reject neglect keep dismiss fire not give unfurnish take
Usage of Appoint in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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