Meaning of (बनावना) banavana in english

As noun : structure Ex:  AlCl3 adopts the "YCl3" structure
dig hatch dot Ex:  The balance of the dot score Ex:  The highest recorded score was set by Billy Mitchell on June 26 2007 manufacture Ex:  Under Polish law it is illegal to manufacture moonshine contrive coin Ex:  Have you no money on you? I have not a penny coin invent Ex:  It also means Imagine something, find something, be applied to find, invent something for any purpose get Ex:  Other artists, you could get around. draw Ex:  It also tells of poles between which you put a horse in a carousel, to start draw the wear Ex:  Marines do not wear unit patches or U.S. flags on any of their uniforms write Ex:  Anne Morrow Lindbergh would later write a book about the Apollo program cook Ex:  He also said, in terms Refinery, Action cook sugar and sugar quantity that is cooked once shape Ex:  Botanical Fruit of the size and nearly the shape of a chestnut, which grows in swamps and floating on the water rig up site Ex:  2001 attacks because of the Pentagon site preparation Ex:  Cooking liquid preparation made of oil, vinegar, white wine, salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaves, etc do Ex:  "Oh mister, won't you please do that agin? repair Ex:  Action to repair or result of this action cake Ex:  After a long quarrel, they agreed to share the cake raise to open Ex:  Ramkhamhaeng University emerged in 1971 as the only open university then build in make Ex:  Efforts to make Managua the capital of Nicaragua began in 1824 build into clear Ex:  Collect the clear picture, the confused image of an object work Ex:  In his work Pragmatism cook up scoop grade Ex:  In the army, it means the grade immediately below that of Captain cut out take Ex:  Albatross chicks take a long time to fledge. paint Ex:  It also says a person whose writer was inspired to paint a character in a work of imagination sort Ex:  While the Black Death may appear to be a "reckoning" of this sort burn Ex:  You're not there yet, but you burn shoot mend Ex:  The one, the one whose job is to mend stockings, old clothes it is mainly used in the feminine
As verb : fabricate constitute Ex:  Muslims constitute more than 90% of the population. set up Ex:  It was set up by the colonial government of Japan on October 24 prepare Ex:  The balances are summarised to prepare the trial balance . establish Ex:  Next, he visited to establish the and made his disciple. appoint Ex:  at the opening of each session, the Chamber of Deputies shall appoint a chairman and four vice-presidents make up Ex:  Three territories make up Northern Canada. compose Ex:  By extension, a ministerial combination, agreement of several politicians to compose a Department form Ex:  Spain also produced its own distinctive form of opera build up put together Ex:  They found it difficult to approach, I put together well, I have reconciled construct Ex:  construct a project on an assumption
Suggested : to bring forth (young) from the egg to break up, turn over, or remove earth, sand, etc, as with a shovel, spade, bulldozer, or claw make an excavation mode of building, construction, or organization arrangement of parts, elements, or constituents to compose form to make by art or skill and labor construct
Exampleबनावना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(बनावना) banavana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from modification of Hindi language by locals . Transliteration : banaavanaa

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