Meaning of (रुपायन) rupayana in english

As noun : structure Ex:  Bach was particularly attracted to the Italian solo-tutti structure
dig hatch dot score Ex:  Nearly ten minutes passed before the British managed to score their first hit. manufacture Ex:  Greece and Rome increased the use of water for their manufacture of goods contrive coin Ex:  Medal, stuffed coin, medal, coin whose top is gold or silver, and in a lower metal invent Ex:  Who has the engineering talent to invent get Ex:  If the symptoms get worse draw Ex:  Physiology study bumps or protrusions that presents the skull and clues that some anatomists draw to determine the legal provisions, the individual inclinations wear Ex:  Charge, commission say or wear something write Ex:  Metallica returned to the studio to write and record its sixth studio album. cook Ex:  The eyes cook me shape Ex:  Flowers that have the shape of a bell rig up site Ex:  In 395 AD, the site passed to the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire. preparation Ex:  industry that relates to the preparation of animal skins for various uses do Ex:  I do not know myself. repair Ex:  It cost so much to repair this house cake Ex:  is called Cake of Kings or Galette des Rois This same cake raise to open Ex:  Borg had one of the most distinctive playing styles in the open era. build in make Ex:  Often people will make dolls out of whatever materials are available to them. build into clear Ex:  It means, in poetic language, which is clear and transparent as crystal work Ex:  At the end of the work cook up scoop grade Ex:  We will soon call such grade class cut out take Ex:  - Oscar could not take the Eucharist". paint Ex:  The women dye their hair and paint their lips with henna sort Ex:  These seem to follow phonetic or orthographic laws of some sort burn shoot mend fashion Ex:  Another fashion trend resurrected by Napoleon was the cameo. form Ex:  In at least some form
As verb : fabricate constitute Ex:  Their tales constitute the first chansons de geste. set up Ex:  The diocese of Marseille was set up in the first century . prepare Ex:  Algae can also prepare their own food by photosynthesis . establish Ex:  He and Hypermnestra will establish a ruling dynasty in Argos. appoint Ex:  INQUISITOR also employed as a male name appoint a Judge of the Inquisition and also a Magistrate of the Republic of Venice who was responsible for discovering and preventing conspiracies against the government make up Ex:  Whites make up approximately one-quarter of the population compose Ex:  compose a word, a line, a page form Ex:  In at least some form build up put together construct
Suggested : to bring forth (young) from the egg to break up, turn over, or remove earth, sand, etc, as with a shovel, spade, bulldozer, or claw make an excavation mode of building, construction, or organization arrangement of parts, elements, or constituents to compose form to make by art or skill and labor construct
Exampleरुपायन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(रुपायन) rupayana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : rupaayana

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