exuberance meaning in marathi

Word: exuberance
Meaning of exuberance in english - energy, enthusiasm, profusion

Meanings in marathi :

vod ( वोद )
uut ( ऊत )
Synonyms of exuberance
vigor eagerness zest ardor ebullience vitality excitement exhilaration fervor buoyancy spirit effervescence life sprightliness zip pep bounce liveliness juice animation friskiness abandon cheerfulness zap high spirits pepper gayness get up and go richness abundance lavishness excessiveness exaggeration plenitude superabundance affluence superfluity plenty prodigality copiousness fulsomeness luxuriance teemingness lushness
Antonyms of exuberance
lethargy apathy indifference coolness inactivity lifelessness insufficiency lack disinterest dullness depression discouragement need want
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
exuberantlyeye said lovinglyeyeeyeballeyebroweyelidfacefacing but kofacing downwardfacingfadedfading awayfaecesfaggotfailure to tryfailurefaintfaintheartedfainting spellfaintingfair-complexioned and beautifulfair-complexioned bridefairfairness of complexionfaithfaithful wifefaithfulfakefalconfall