faith meaning in marathi

Word: faith
Meaning of faith in english - trust in something, belief in a higher being, community of believers

Meanings in marathi :

nishtha ( निष्टा )
निश्चित मत
Synonyms of faith
confidence conviction acceptance loyalty truth hope truthfulness certitude fealty faithfulness credence constancy surety certainty assent allegiance reliance credit dependence store sureness fidelity troth assurance stock credulity denomination religion sect doctrine church teaching principle credo piety dogma revelation creed confession profession tenet piousness connection canon theology cult communion gospel persuasion worship orthodoxy
Antonyms of faith
disbelief disloyalty dishonesty treachery distrust faithlessness unsteadiness doubt uncertainty misgiving skepticism denial rejection unbelief lying inconstancy suspicion agnosticism
Identical words :
As adjective :
faithful - vishvaasiya ( विश्वासिया )
faithful wife - saiyaapaalana ( सैयापाळना )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
faithful wifefaithfulfakefalconfallfallen away from celibacyfallenfalliblefalling downfallow landfalse chargefalse display of devotionfalse excusefalse hopefalse pathfalse pridefalse showfalse understanding or chargefalsefalsehoodfalsityfaltering speechfalteringfame as the leader of an armyfamefamiliarityfamily deityfamily homefamily membersfamily name or the name of an office