intestines meaning in marathi

Word: intestines

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
kontalen ( कोंतळें )
kothala ( कोथळा )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
intimateintolerableintolerantintoxicant prepared from hemp leavesintoxicantintoxicated or arrogant personintoxicatedintoxicating drink prepared from the sap of a toddy palmintoxicatingintoxication with warintoxicationintroductionintroversioninvaderinvaluableinverseinvesting a king by sprinkling waterinvincible bodyinvincible heroinvincibleinvisibleinvitation to perform a śrāddha ceremonyinvitationinviting a whole group of people for a mealinvocationinvolved in household lifeinvolvedinvolvementip 1510iron bolt or bar on a door