longwinded story meaning in marathi

Word: longwinded story

Meanings in marathi :

rematakaahaani ( रेमटकाहाणी )
कंटाळवाणी गोष्ट
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
loose articulationloose in textureloose womanlongloose-tonguedloosely runlookloosening of reinsloquacitylord kṛṣṇas dance with the cowherd womenlord rāmalooseloss of appetiteloss of vitalitylooselylootinglord kṛṣṇalordloss or gainlost in ones own thoughtslosinglosslost in the windlot oflot or group of tenlotus creeperlotus that blooms at moonriselotus with a hundred petalsloud agitationloud and rapid repetition of the name of god