clog meaning in telugu

Word: clog
Meaning of clog in english - blockage, block, hinder

Meanings in telugu :

dung ( దుంగ )

Identical words :

clog fastened tocross cow - gudiy ( గుదియ )

Synonyms of clog

encumbrance blockade snag obstruction drag impediment burden hindrance bar impedance dead weight plug congest choke impede seal hamper fill jam stopper fetter encumber glut shackle trammel leash stuff curb close tie occlude dam up entrammel

Antonyms of clog

advantage aid assistance opening help promotion support clearance loosen release unblock promote free let go unclog unstop

Related English Telugu Meaning

cloquent manclose at handclose byclose fightclose friendclose of the dayclose resemblanceclose texturecloseclosed up to fall inclosedcloseness of textureclosenessclosetclosing the eyesclosingclot of bloodclotcloth cover overcarriagecloth cover
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