fall down meaning in telugu

Word: fall down
Meaning of fall down in english - botch, call, collapse, droop, flounder, implode, stumble, gum up, louse up

Meanings in telugu :

chatikilu ( చతికిలు )

Synonyms of fall down

bumble screw up err miscalculate flub misjudge mismanage muff fumble mishandle bungle blow mar mess wreck ruin boot muddle butcher patch distort spoil misapply mend mutilate boggle misconstrue mess up bobble bollix goof up miscompute misconjecture muck up pull a boner see play crash hit come by drop in look up run in come over drop by fall by look in on pop in stop by stop in swing by topple founder disintegrate faint shatter break fail crumple weaken exhaust tire give wilt subside deflate bend fold flag yield weary succumb languish crack up give in go to pieces keel over cave in give way belly up conk out flake out give out slouch dangle sag wither decline sling depress lean lop slump suspend loll settle fade diminish sink let down wallow flop plunge travail toss flummox lurch snafu labor toil thrash grope blunder strive foul up pratfall cast about come apart at the seams drop the ball go at backwards make a mess of slip up trip up work at miss one's cue stub one's toe fall in fold up shuffle hesitate wobble limp lumber waver falter careen totter tilt stammer pitch reel lose balance ball up

Antonyms of fall down

create grow accomplish achieve succeed do well help build repair break conceal listen refrain ignore cancel stop receive straighten mend invigorate refresh inflate activate energize withhold increase fix strengthen rise bloom improve ascend complete continue finish laze idle correct lose

Related English Telugu Meaning

fall to piecesfall uponfallfallacyfallen downfallen from virtuefallen infallenfallingfallow fieldfallowfalse accusationfalse oathfalse objectionfalse rubyfalsefalsehoodfalsely accusedfalsenessfalteringchoked sound
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