faultless meaning in telugu
Word: faultless
Meaning of faultless in english - having nothing wrong with it
accurate blameless classic clean correct exemplary exquisite faithful flawless foolproof guiltless ideal immaculate impeccable inculpable innocent intact irreproachable model perfect pure sinless spotless stainless supreme textbook unblemished unsullied whole errorless right on above reproach crimeless on target unguiltyimperfect tainted blemishedfavoritefavourfavourable leasefavourable lookfavourablefavourableness of mindfavouritefavouritismfawn colourfawnfawningfear of the kingfearfearfulfearfullfearingfeasiblefeast celebrated on the first ten days of that monthfeastfeasting
Meanings in telugu :
anavadyamu ( అనవద్యము )
Synonyms of faultless
Antonyms of faultless
Related English Telugu Meaning
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