Meaning of badalana in english

Interpreting badalana - बदलना
As noun : revise उ:   इसे आवश्यक रूप से परिवेश के अनुसार बदलना ही है।
yield उ:   लगभग छह महीनों में, नर अपना रंग बदलना शुरू करते हैं। break Ex:  By extension, édenter a saw, a comb, break the teeth in उ:   इसके विकास का एकमात्र उद्देश्य गांवों को बदलना था। change Ex:  If the client can change the entries in the colormap उ:   इसका प्रमुख कार्य ग्लुकोज को ग्लाईकोजन में बदलना है। switch Ex:  This switch was perhaps best exemplified by the American Dream Team उ:   ओपन एंगल ग्लूकोमा में चश्मे के नंबर तेजी से बदलना पड़ता है। move Ex:  The tropical storm continued to move towards Florida उ:   इस तरह, निजाम राजा होने के लिए अतीत में अपने फैसले को बदलना चाहता है। affect Ex:  They affect the islands of Polynesia in rare instances. उ:   पर बाद में उन्हें उन दोनों के बीच हुए मतभेद के कारण बदलना पड़ा। reduce to Ex:  Press forcefully so as to reduce to a lower volume hold to bend cross over set Ex:  The type used in each country is set by national standards legislation. cut Ex:  �Many trees are cut down to make paper,� she explained . carry Ex:  He does not have the shoulders strong enough, he too weak shoulders for such employment, to support such a load to carry in this endeavor, it has not enough talent, enough good, resources jump do Ex:  Rules that do not generally influence the game are: the tournament system turn Ex:  Also said: You will speak your turn speech swing Ex:  , I only know this, says, speaking of a thing that can not be ignored, or that we should not swing to weather Ex:  Nice weather we're having! Sally: Sure . result in Ex:  This may result in misinterpretations
As verb : vary Ex:  Views of the effects of the bombing also vary widely. उ:   ऑर्कुट में एक नई सुविधा विषयों को बदलना है। adapt Ex:  adapt to circumstances उ:   हमे खुद को बदलना है, क्योकि हम बदलेंगे तब युग बदलेगा। go back Ex:  He says figuratively, in terms of policy, Men, parties, powers that seek to go back to re-establish institutions that are considered obsolete उ:   इसलिए इंजीनियर्स रंग मानक के लिए रेखा आवृत्ति को बदलना चुनते हैं। translate Ex:  In terms of Drama, interpret a piece, a part, understand and translate the representation somehow उ:   प्रतिस्थापन करते हुए समाकलन की सीमाओं को बदलना नहीं भूलना चाहिये। renew Ex:  They say the same To renew a correspondence उ:   आखिरकार उन्हें अपना पैतृक नमक का व्यवसाय बदलना पड़ा। boil over उ:   धीरे-धीरे, मक्का का लगभग पूरा शहर बदलना शुरू कर देते हैं। transform move on Ex:  Let's move on to other things or absolutely, Let ; it is mainly used to express things not insist shunt shift Ex:  Currently, there are two theories for what could cause such a shift in shape. convert Ex:  Lyon was convinced that he could civilise Yagan and convert him to Christianity go over replace Ex:  Windows 2000 was planned to replace both Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0. However
Other : to alter Ex:  changing fabric, which fabric shades vary exposures, and also the fabric whose color is subject quickly to alter to change Ex:  Those playing it may agree to change the rules as they wish. to convert/to be converted to replace Ex:  Exodus guitarist Kirk Hammett flew in to replace Mustaine the same afternoon. to go back (on ones word trade Ex:  Fisher loaned him the money in trade for 200 acres of land. substitute Ex:  One can substitute two forces resulting
Suggested : to smash, split, or divide into parts violently reduce to pieces or fragments to make suitable to requirements or conditions adjust or modify fittingly to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation to amend or alter to change or alter, as in form, appearance, character, or substance
Exampleबदलना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of badalana Antonyms of badalana

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Usage of बदलना:
1. पाक को आतंकियों के पनाहगाह पर रुख बदलना ही होगा: अमेरिकाlivehindustan.com2. टेस्ट क्रिकेट को बचाने के लिए बदलना होगा रवैया jagran.com3. यदि आयु हो गई है और ऊर्जा बची है तो शीर्ष का क्षेत्र बदलना होगा, क्योंकि वहां आने के लिए जवानी तूफान की तरह चल चुकी है bhaskar.comRelated words :
As verb : 
बदलनाअना - translate
badalana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word . Transliteration : badalanaa

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