Meaning of dushit karna in english

Interpreting dushit karna - दूषित करना
As noun : debauch
spoil Ex:  SE QUILTING also said some things that spoil usually presenting holes or stains unhallow soil Ex:  Alluvial soil constitute the largest soil group in India. mar Ex:  The imperfections that mar a book, written
As verb : contaminate foul Ex:  It also says a dirty thing especially for a foul About defile Ex:  To profane, defile taint impair Ex:  KILL is said by exaggeration of Things that tire excessively the body, which can impair the health vitiate Ex:  What does not vitiate abounds, or does no harm, because a law or more can not harm in a case; The observation or even a non prescribed formality but undefended, does not prevent proceedings from being valid infect Ex:  By extension , Grasshoppers often infect Algeria pollute Ex:  They also seep into the ground to pollute ground water . profane Ex:  The one, the one that profane the holy things
Other : sully pervert
Suggested : to make or cause to become worse diminish in ability, value, excellence, etc weaken or damage a trace of something bad, offensive, or harmful to make foul, dirty, or unclean pollute taint debase grossly offensive to the senses disgustingly loathsome noisome to make impure or unsuitable by contact or mixture with something unclean, bad, etc
Exampleदूषित करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of dushit karna Antonyms of dushit karna

Word of the day
dushit karna can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. Transliteration : duuShita karanaa

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