Meaning of (किसलय) kisalaya in english

As noun : army Ex:  The army made a successful sally.
section Ex:  A major exception is the entire Mumbai section contingent Ex:  Maximian had been sent south to Arles with a contingent of Constantine's army clan Ex:  Each clan had a territory squad Ex:  The police squad came to defuse the bomb. cohort Ex:  The cohort of the public is helping the government to stand the oppositions. panel Ex:  If the machine was equipped with an extra panel team Ex:  The cricketeers have team spirit. troop Ex:  France maintains a small troop presence in Comoros at government request. caucus Ex:  After winning the Iowa caucus regiment Ex:  An inDuna guided each regiment member Ex:  Russia is one of the standing member of UN. gang Ex:  A gang of ruffians enterted his house. party Ex:  Preeti came to the party in a pink coloured dress. brigade Ex:  Dabormida's Italian brigade had moved to support Albertone way Ex:  she knows him from way back side Ex:  I will keep on the good side of him . blade Ex:  As one blade flaps down, the other flaps up. interest Ex:  Wigner began to develop an interest in mathematical problems. force Ex:  The force of the wind nearly blew me over . corps Ex:  diplomatic corps band Ex:  When the band played, everyone took the f loor . company Ex:  Can the company reimburse me for my professional travel? group Ex:  Everyone there blended in with our group . posse wave Ex:  There was a wave of street violence. plague Ex:  pneumonic plague pack Ex:  Lee clutched the ice pack to his head .
As verb : burgeon
Suggested : a small number of soldiers, commonly 10 privates, a staff sergeant, and a corporal the smallest military unit a group of families or households, as among the Scottish Highlanders, the heads of which claim descent from a common ancestor dependent for existence, occurrence, character, etc, on something not yet certain conditional (often followed by on or upon ) a part that is cut off or separated the military forces of a nation, exclusive of the navy and in some countries the air force
Exampleकिसलय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

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Usage of किसलय:
1. राजपुत्र अचेत होकर गिर पड़ा... वनस्थली के रंगीन संसार में अरुण किरणों ने इठलाते हुए पदार्पण किया और वे चमक उठीं, देखा तो कोमल किसलय और कुसुमों की पंखुरियां, बसंत-पवन के पैरों के समान हिल रही थीं bhaskar.com2. किसलय बने सांसद नथवाणी के सलाहकार LiveHindustan3. आईआईटी एडवांस में किसलय बने जिला टॉपर LiveHindustan
(किसलय) kisalaya can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : kisalaya

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