Meaning of (प्राणनाथ) prananatha in english

As noun : duck उ:   पन्ना प्राणनाथ मंदिर प्रणामी संप्रदाय के लोगो का प्रमुख केंद्र है।
favourite Ex:  A longer list of his favourite singles was revealed in 2005 उ:   छत्रसाल प्राणनाथ जी से अत्यधिक प्रभावित हुए और उनके शिष्य बन गए। pet Ex:  Pig, which fattens pet to eat and that between the flesh and skin fat called Lard उ:   प्राणनाथ ने इस अंचल को रत्नगर्भा होने का वरदान दिया था। dear Ex:  There is no one to whom life is dear lovely Ex:  Venus Lace, vulgar name of a lovely polypary crosslinked beloved loveable darling dearest sweet Ex:  A sweet union spouse hubby better half husband Ex:  As her husband belonged to the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha man Ex:  There was also one Métis man killed. proprietor possessor liege lord swami master Ex:  God is the master of the universe liege swamy yama
As adjective : adorable lovable beautiful Ex:  Kerala has a beautiful coastline.
As adverb : pretty Ex:  It's pretty silly precious Ex:  It is also said of some things which matter or ornaments are rich and precious
Suggested : very attractive or delightful charming beloved or loved any domesticated or tamed animal that is kept as a companion and cared for affectionately a person or thing regarded with special favor or preference any of numerous wild or domesticated web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, especially of the genus Anas and allied genera, characterized by abroad, flat bill, short legs, and depressed body
Exampleप्राणनाथ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of प्राणनाथ:
1. मोगा के प्राणनाथ ज्योति ने पहले खुद नशा छोड़ा, अब नशा केंद्र में कैंटीन चलाकर औरों को नशा छोड़ने के लिए प्रेरित कर रहे हैंamarujala.com2. प्राणनाथ ज्योतिः पहले नशा छोड़ा, अब नशा छुड़ाओ केंद्र में कैंटीन चलाते हैं
(प्राणनाथ) prananatha can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : praaNanaatha

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