Meaning of sankshipt karna in english

Interpreting sankshipt karna - संक्षिप्त करना
As noun : abridge
compress precis cut Ex:  It also wants a piece of cloth cut to a larger room contract Ex:  He managed to secure a contract with First National Pictures in 1928. However abstract
As verb : condense reduce Ex:  He wisely will reduce its lifestyle abbreviate Ex:  We often abbreviate this word Agnus shorten Ex:  Action shorten Result of this action; state what is shortcut
Other : condensation Ex:  It is opposed to condensation compact
Suggested : a concise summary to press together force into less space to shorten (a word or phrase) by omitting letters, substituting shorter forms, etc, so that the shortened form can represent the whole word or phrase, as ft for foot, ab for about, RI for Rhode Island, NW for Northwest, or Xn for Christian to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc to make more dense or compact reduce the volume or extent of concentrate
Exampleसंक्षिप्त करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sankshipt karna Antonyms of sankshipt karna

Word of the day
sankshipt karna can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 14 including consonants matras. Transliteration : sa.nkShipta karanaa

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