Meaning of (उजड़ड) ujadd in english

As noun : crude Ex:  California’s refineries process crude oil from Alaska and foreign suppliers.
yokelish impossible Ex:  However, confinement makes it impossible to measure these properties of quarks. ill bred abrupt Ex:  It also means, by extension, an abrupt and rude male rough Ex:  Current population figures are rough estimates because the last partial census discourteous lowbred unmannered ill mannered bad mannered bounderish gothic Ex:  Baroque Architecture replaced the gothic one. savage Ex:  savage Honeybees neanderthal coarse Ex:  A whitewashing coarse in the raw caveman unrefined uncivilized uncivilised peasant Ex:  He also authored a great number of stories for peasant children. cave man cave dweller barbarous Ex:  A long string of unknown and barbarous names wild Ex:  The closest living species are the wild Vicuña, also native to South America. beast Ex:  A nice little beast savage Ex:  savage Honeybees animal Ex:  A unicorn is not a real animal . arboraceous woodsman arboreous wilding woodman
As adjective : vulgar Ex:  Breadfruit, vulgar jackfruit name coarse Ex:  A whitewashing coarse rude Ex:  California’s refineries process crude oil from Alaska and foreign suppliers. barbarous Ex:  A long string of unknown and barbarous names unparliamentary uncouth underbred impolite uncivil Ex:  A person uncivil ungracious Ex:  It would ungracious to complain about something he himself desired indelicate Ex:  In so indelicate indecorous uncourteous unmannerly brusque boorish robust Ex:  Irish Palladian Country houses often have robust Rococo plasterwork unchaste ill bread fruity Ex:  Argent the orange fruity gold Vert graceless rugged Ex:  Tasmania is a rugged island of temperate climate wild Ex:  The closest living species are the wild Vicuña, also native to South America. barbaric Ex:  barbaric Language, Language imperfect, rough and shocking the spontaneous Ex:  The first-time collaboration with another artist was spontaneous untamed unrefined woodsy wooded Ex:  Most Common Ravens prefer wooded areas woody Ex:  Other plant groups that produce woody tissue are palms untamable uncultured
Suggested : discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way not possible unable to be, exist, happen, etc in a raw or unprepared state unrefined or natural composed of relatively large parts or particles characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste
Exampleउजड़ड का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(उजड़ड) ujadd can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : uja.DaDa

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