Meaning of (वल्गर) valgara in english

As noun : pastoral Ex:  The pastoral dignity
crude Ex:  It is the world's largest producer of natural gas and crude oil. yokelish impossible Ex:  Faced with a seemingly impossible task ill bred abrupt rough discourteous lowbred unmannered ill mannered bad mannered bounderish
As adjective : rural Ex:  The Federal Charter of 1291 among the rural communes of Uri vulgar Ex:  vulgar language, as opposed to scholarly Languages , the languages that people speak today coarse Ex:  Sort knife coarse rude Ex:  It is the world's largest producer of natural gas and crude oil. barbarous unparliamentary uncouth underbred impolite uncivil ungracious indelicate indecorous uncourteous unmannerly brusque
Suggested : in a raw or unprepared state unrefined or natural composed of relatively large parts or particles characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the country, country life, or country people rustic having the simplicity, charm, serenity, or other characteristics generally attributed to rural areas
Exampleवल्गर का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of वल्गर:
1. (यह भी पढ़ें : कहीं 'ब्रा' को कराया ब्लर, कहीं किसिंग सीन Cut, जब सेंसर बोर्ड ने फिल्मों में किए ऐसे बदलाव) - बैंडिट क्वीन (1994) डायरेक्टर शेखर कपूर की फिल्म 'बैंडिट क्वीन' को सेंसर ने वल्गर और इनडिसेंट कंटेंट के चलते बैन कर दिया था bhaskar.com2. लोगों ने फिल्म 'बम बम बोल रहा है काशी' को चीप और वल्गर बताया है bhaskar.com3. प्रियंका के प्रोडक्शन की भोजपुरी फिल्म पर विवाद, बिहार के लोग बोले- वल्गर और चीप है
(वल्गर) valgara can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from English language . Transliteration : valgara

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