fit meaning in tamil

Word: fit - The english word have 3 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, noun, verbin english.
Meaning of fit in english - suitable, appropriate, healthy, in good physical shape, seizure, sudden emotion, belong, correspond, equip, adapt, change

Meanings in tamil :

ponta ( போந்த )

Identical words :

As noun :
fitness - pattiram ( பாத்திரம் )
fits - kancherukal ( கண்செருகல் )
fit season - aniym ( ஆனியம் )
fit of apoplexy in chidren - amachanni ( ஆமசன்னி )
fitting in - ichaivu ( இசைவு )
fit occasion - uchitachamayam ( உசிதசமயம் )
fit or helpful person - upayoki ( உபயோகி )
fit for - upayokikka ( உபயோகிக்க )
fit or proper person to transact an affair - uṟṟamanitan ( உற்றமனிதன் )
fitness to associate with - kuttu ( கூட்டு )
fit of apoplexy or te tanus - chukachanni ( சுகசன்னி )
fit up - chemmaipanna ( செம்மைபண்ண )
fit time - tati ( ததி )
fit from the above disease - tiritoshachanni ( திரிதோஷசன்னி )
fitting a row or class to a corres ponding row or class - nirl ( நிரல் )

Synonyms of fit

wise capable prepared qualified competent happy right befitting becoming expedient due worthy correspondent deserving trained equipped ready meet adapted correct fitted adequate advantageous apposite beneficial comely conformable convenient desirable equitable favorable feasible felicitous just likely opportune practicable preferable proper rightful seasonable seemly tasteful timely comme il faut good enough well-suited able-bodied slim robust strapping trim sound hale wholesome toned muscled fit as a fiddle in good condition up to snuff wrapped tight frenzy mood outburst whim whimsy conniption stroke convulsion spasm blow humor access attack outbreak bout spell rush spate throe tantrum rage caprice turn paroxysm twitch torrent jumps epileptic attack apply become click match accord set join consist dovetail relate tally interlock harmonize concur answer parallel agree be apposite be apt be comfortable be consonant be in keeping go together go with have its place provide make accommodate fix outfit furnish implement accoutre make up kit out tailor adjust alter fashion reconcile dispose modify square quadrate position arrange

Antonyms of fit

ignorant stupid incapable incompetent unable unskilled inaccurate inappropriate unsuitable incorrect unbecoming unseemly unworthy unprepared inadequate unsuited inept wrong imprecise unfitting improper untrained poor weak infirm unhealthy sick protection peace failure refuse disapprove disjoin disconnect dispute mismatch disagree ask question argue oppose divide separate differ disorganize ignore dissuade destroy prevent disarrange neglect lose discourage stop disorder displace
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