cowrie shell used as currency meaning in marathi

Word: cowrie shell used as currency

Meanings in marathi :

kavadi ( कवडी )
एक प्रकारची वनस्पती
नाणे म्हणून वापरली जाणारी कवडी
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
coynesscowherdcowrie shellcoylycrabcrackercrannycrawlingcrazilycrackcrazy for battlecrazy personcrazy sexual actscradlecraftcrazy womancreatingcreation and destructioncreation the title of a chapter of the sūtrapāṭhacrampcravingcrazecreature of the forestcreature that travels on landcreditcranecrazinesscreekcreepercremation fire not consecrated with mantras