daring meaning in marathi

Word: daring
Meaning of daring in english - adventurous, boldness

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
saahaas ( साहास )
Synonyms of daring
foolhardy fearless audacious impulsive gutsy smart courageous reckless forward game brave rash brassy cheeky cocky crusty gritty impudent intrepid nervy obtrusive out on a limb plucky salty spunky temerarious valiant venturesome adventuresome smart-alecky fire eating go for broke gutty hot shot fearlessness audacity courageousness nerve daredeviltry daredevilry adventurousness audaciousness braveness venturesomeness impudence valiance adventuresomeness daringness cockiness
Antonyms of daring
careful cautious cowardly meek timid bashful unwilling thoughtful afraid fearful shy weak chicken unadventurous cowardice
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
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