defeat meaning in marathi

Word: defeat
Meaning of defeat in english - overthrow, beating, frustration, conquer in military manner, conquer in athletic contest, frustrate

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
madhye ( मध्ये )
haari ( हारी )
Synonyms of defeat
blow loss massacre collapse embarrassment drubbing rout thrashing setback killing failure debacle breakdown triumph destruction repulse conquest licking check trashing whipping trimming slaughter discomfiture fall rebuff count reverse mastery extermination annihilation ambush trap ruin defeasance vanquishment whitewashing scalping whaling waxing lacing trouncing paddling KO subjugation shellacking downthrow insuccess nonsuccess downfall disappointment reversal foil thwarting crush upset overpower overwhelm obstruct subdue reduce sack surmount best outflank butcher repress trample hinder halt smash suppress parry quell drown impede outmaneuver entrap overrun demolish annihilate route obliterate swamp decimate repel subjugate scatter block sink bear down wipe out finish off shipwreck torpedo mow down prevail over roll back knock out win trounce clobber edge take deck pound powder skin tan total zap cream pulverize floor bust lambaste outrun wallop flog drop whack pommel outplay whomp steamroll flax outhit outjump plow under run roughshod over take it all take to cleaners work over outwit blank shave invalidate stump neutralize puzzle confound circumvent refute cross checkmate victimize contravene balk disprove disconcert nonplus squash undo baffle scuttle spoil cook overturn bury nullify skunk counterplot edge out beat down beat the system cast down cause setback nose out put end to take wind out of sails
Antonyms of defeat
accomplishment achievement success win boon surrender victory attainment mastery yielding boost conquest triumph aid assist attract release grow increase permit facilitate create float liberate construct abet lose fail clear help promote support strengthen save allow let go advance encourage forward push fix free build open give up inspirit forfeit validate explain enlighten prove approve clarify clear up
Identical words :
defeated - paangal ( पांगळ )
defeat and victory - haarijait ( हारिजैत )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
defeateddefecationdefectdefencedeficiencydeficientdefilementdefinite assurance of safetydefinitedefinitelydegradationdeities etc inferior to the one supreme goddeity associated with black magicdeity incarnate in the universedeity of war but ṭīpadeity to whom a vow is made for the fulfilment of a wishdeity who protects a villagedeity worshipped primarily by śüdrasdeity worshipped primarily by śūdrasdeitydelaydelicacydelicatedelicious fooddeliciousdeliciousnessdelightdelighteddelightfuldelighting in the self a name of god