deficiency meaning in marathi

Word: deficiency
Meaning of deficiency in english - imperfection, inadequacy

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
haan ( हान )
As transitive verb :
aani ( आणि )
तर मग
Synonyms of deficiency
flaw failing failure weakness lack defect dearth glitch insufficiency shortcoming scarcity shortage frailty fault loss privation default demerit bug paucity scantiness absence dereliction deficit want need sin neglect defalcation inability to hack it
Antonyms of deficiency
perfection advantage strong point success abundance enough plenty surplus sufficiency accomplishment achievement adequacy satisfaction strength excess faultlessness
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
defectdeities etc inferior to the one supreme goddeity associated with black magicdeity incarnate in the universedeficiencydeficientdefinitedeity of war but ṭīpadeity to whom a vow is made for the fulfilment of a wishdeity who protects a villagedefinitelydegradationdeity worshipped primarily by śüdrasdeity worshipped primarily by śūdrasdeitydelicious fooddelaydelicacydeliciousnessdelicatedelighteddelighting in the self a name of goddeluded statedeludingdeliciousdelightfuldemand for repayment of a debtdeparturedependency and other faults deriving from the embodied state of human naturedelight