definite meaning in marathi

Word: definite

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
vahil ( वहिल )
Identical words :
definite assurance of safety - achalanaabhi ( अचळनाभी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
deficiencydeficientdefinitedeity of war but ṭīpadeity to whom a vow is made for the fulfilment of a wishdeity who protects a villagedefinitelydegradationdeity worshipped primarily by śüdrasdeity worshipped primarily by śūdrasdeitydelicious fooddelaydelicacydeliciousnessdelicatedelighteddelighting in the self a name of goddeluded statedeludingdeliciousdelightfuldemand for repayment of a debtdeparturedependency and other faults deriving from the embodied state of human naturedelightdeliriousdependent on othersdeliriumdeluded