lonely meaning in marathi

Word: lonely
Meaning of lonely in english - feeling friendless, forlorn, out-of-the-way

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
vivakt ( विवक्त )
Synonyms of lonely
solitary desolate isolated deserted reclusive homeless lonesome destitute empty abandoned alone apart disconsolate down forsaken godforsaken left outcast rejected secluded single unattended withdrawn comfortless companionless by oneself estranged renounced troglodytic unbefriended uncherished unsocial remote quiet obscure private removed retired secret uninhabited unfrequented off the beaten track
Antonyms of lonely
sociable loved inhabited populated befriended close frequented
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
long after sunsetlong line of cloudslong stay at one placelong thin branch of a treelong trunk shaped like a sticklong-livedlonglonginglongwinded storylooklooking in each others eyesloose articulationloose in textureloose womanloose-tonguedlooseloosely runlooselyloosening of reinslootingloquacitylord kṛṣṇalord kṛṣṇas dance with the cowherd womenlord rāmalordlosingloss of appetiteloss of vitalityloss or gainloss