drift meaning in tamil
Word: drift - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of drift in english - accumulation, meaning, significance of communication, move aimlessly
mountain set lot shock batch bundle heap cluster hill mass deposit alluvion parcel pile mound clump stack bank bunch tendency progression direction object gist purport intention design tenor import implication scope hover stray linger dance flit ride float flow waft flutter wash slide sail meander amble wander stroll amass flicker gallivant flitter gather muck coast mosey scud malinger skim accumulate gad saunter gravitate be carried along draw near go with the tide go-that-a-wayvalley individual whole ditch one insignificance disperse scatter decide guide stay run dissipate divide spend direct set
Meaning of drift in english - accumulation, meaning, significance of communication, move aimlessly
Meanings in tamil :
puzutippatalam ( புழுதிப்படலம் )
Identical words :
drifted - ataiyal ( அடையல் )
drift ashore - otungku ( ஒதுங்கு )
drift or cloud of dust - tulippatalam ( தூளிப்படலம் )
drift of dust - patalam ( படலம் )
drifting of dust by the wind - manvariyiṟaittal ( மண்வாரியிறைத்தல் )
drift ashore - otungku ( ஒதுங்கு )
drift or cloud of dust - tulippatalam ( தூளிப்படலம் )
drift of dust - patalam ( படலம் )
drifting of dust by the wind - manvariyiṟaittal ( மண்வாரியிறைத்தல் )
Synonyms of drift
Antonyms of drift
Tamil to English
English To Tamil