abstain meaning in telugu
Word: abstain
Meaning of abstain in english - hold back from doing
quit renounce refrain withhold forgo cease shun forbear decline refuse spurn avoid eschew stop fast abjure curb evade pass constrain abnegate do without pass up starve deny oneself fence-sit give the go by give up go on the wagon keep from sit on the fence sit out take the cure take the pledgeuse continue do accept allow embrace want face meet encourageabstinenceabstractabstractionabstruseabundance of food and raimentabundanceabundantabundantlyabuseabusive speech harshnessabysinianabyssinianacacia treeaccentacceptacceptance of almsacceptanceacclivityaccompanied by virtueaccompanied by
Meanings in telugu :
maanu ( మాను )
Synonyms of abstain
Antonyms of abstain
Related English Telugu Meaning
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