curds meaning in telugu
Word: curds
Meaning of curds in english - clot, curdle, pulp
clump set battery cluster array thickness bunch group gob precipitate body glob consolidation bundle bulk occlusion batch clotting embolism grume conglutination curdling coagulum embolus thrombus coalescence thicken acerbate condense turn spoil ferment congeal coagulate go off acidulate acidify clabber turn sour paste pap mush mash sponge jam dough marrow poultice triturate pomace sarcocarp semisolidindividual onecurecuriositycurlcurlewcurliness as of crisped locks of haircurlscurlthe whiskerscurrency notecurrencycurrentcurrentrivercurry combcurry even including fleshcurry powdercurry-stuffcursecursorilycurtaincurvecurved iron bar which is put insidesmall mouthed metal pot to meet the blow of the hammer outside
Meanings in telugu :
dadhi ( దధి )
Identical words :
curds beaten with water - chall ( చల్ల )
Synonyms of curds
Antonyms of curds
Related English Telugu Meaning
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