Meaning of ashakt in english

Interpreting ashakt - अशक्त
As noun : the infirm उ:   उसका व्यक्तित्व अशक्त और पराश्रित सामंत का है।
sapless उ:   इसका उद्देश्य मानसिक रूप से अशक्त लोगों का सशक्तीकरण है। debile उ:   अशक्त बच्चों को सामान्य बच्चों से अलग करना अब मान्य नहीं है। impotent Ex:  substantively, impotent
As verb : unnerved emaciated Ex:  The past participle DEFEATED, AITE, is used as an adjective with a sense of who is shot, emaciated
As adjective : feeble Ex:  By the end of 383 he found his health too feeble to cope with episcopal duties. उ:   इससे दर्द होता है तथा इससे व्यक्ति अशक्त भी हो सकता है। ineffectual infirm ineffective Ex:  America's "Drug-Free Zones" are ineffective at keeping youths away from drugs effete powerless Ex:  He found himself powerless to help unable Ex:  Children are unable to placate their teacher for their poor conduct.
As adverb : weakly Ex:  Hindi is a weakly inflected language for case उ:   अशक्त या वृद्धों के लिए सवारियों का प्रबंध किया जा सकता है।
Other : invalid helpless Ex:  He is continually helpless in the face of his wife's numerous affairs incapable Ex:  Absolutely, this is an incapable man, quite incapable weak Ex:  The weak children of Somalia have angular figure. disabled Ex:  The mentally disabled in the community should be rehabilitated. incompetent Ex:  Part incompetent infirmity Ex:  faintness of heart and infirmity of purpose infirm person impuissant
Suggested : feeble or weak in body or health, especially because of age ailing not effectual without satisfactory or decisive effect without sap withered dry physically weak, as from age or sickness frail weak or feeble in constitution not robust sickly
Exampleअशक्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ashakt Antonyms of ashakt

Word of the day
ashakt can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : ashakta

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