Meaning of (इद्ध) iddha in english

As noun : splendour
brilliance Ex:  '" On Adolf Hitler: "'I began to see the shape of the man – his brilliance splendor Ex:  Observe how its splendor appeareth to have diminished glow Ex:  The candles bathed her in a soft glow . glow Ex:  The candles bathed her in a soft glow . lustre wonder Ex:  I wonder what his feeling on it lit Ex:  Friction between two stones enabled early men to lit fire. lighted Ex:  Misfortune lighted upon him out Ex:  The organizers pulled out all the stops for the centennial meeting in print Ex:  Cleveland is served in print by The Plain Dealer light Ex:  Beryl is a mineral which gives hard beryllium metal which is used in manufacturing aeroplanes because it being very light in weight. resplendent Ex:  The avenue was resplendent with light clean Ex:  “I want you to clean your room . liquid Ex:  You have to tap the liquid carefully. clear Ex:  I'll feel better when I get into the clear . fresh Ex:  Mary is fresh and sweet and back on the street .
As verb : illuminated Ex:  Following that, the mountain is illuminated for two hours.
As adjective : bright Ex:  She charmed him with her bright smile . fair Ex:  Many fair trade growers routinely earn more than this for the quality tidy Ex:  I'll tidy up the kitchen later . limpid Ex:  This water- brandy is limpid neat unsullied spotless unclouded refined Ex:  Over many centuries, sages refined the teachings and expanded the canon. pure Ex:  He researched elastic solids and pure geometry during this time. serene Ex:  Though ill, he retains a quiet and serene spirit immaculate pellucid
Suggested : a light emitted by or as if by a substance heated to luminosity incandescence a light emitted by or as if by a substance heated to luminosity incandescence brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring, etc magnificence great brightness luster brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring, etc magnificence
Exampleइद्ध का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(इद्ध) iddha can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : iddha

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