Meaning of (इष्टिपच) ishtipacha in english

As noun : parsimonious
close fisted mean Ex:  I mean these remarks for the government . miser Ex:  He tondrait on a Egg said of a miser who wants to save on small things penny pincher niggard scrooge mingy chintzy closefisted churl hardfisted skinflint Ex:  This is just a skinflint skin flint penny pinching cheese paring screw Ex:  Machine cannt work properly if any screw is loose. stinting demon Ex:  The demon of Socrates wicked Ex:  Find more wicked than itself, Find louder, prouder, more powerful than oneself monster Ex:  This monster is called by some the North Shore Monster.
As verb : near Ex:  This shop is near by his house. crooked Ex:  of two kinds Who is bent and crooked
As adjective : niggardly penurious stingy Ex:  A man, a woman stingy sticky Ex:  Caught on a sticky wicket miserly tight fisted careful Ex:  Be careful they are mining for coal in this area. close Ex:  It is time we drew this evening to a close . uncharitable tight Ex:  It's really tight in this doorway .
Suggested : a person who lives in wretched circumstances in order to save and hoard money to have in mind as one's purpose or intention intend reluctant to give or spend not generous niggardly penurious extremely stingy parsimonious miserly reluctant to give or spend stingy miserly
Exampleइष्टिपच का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(इष्टिपच) ishtipacha can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : iShTipacha

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