Meaning of phurtila in english

Interpreting phurtila - फुर्तीला
As noun : active Ex:  In the other 25% of active cases
fleet Ex:  During the 1960s the size of the Greek fleet nearly doubled light Ex:  In light of its economic and demographic weight crisp clean Ex:  The word, expression, clean run, The word, phrase, the term which alone makes exactly the idea quick Ex:  This man is quick to become discouraged, to get excited, to get angry sharp Ex:  Tear by hand or cut with underground sharp instrument weeds growing in a field, in a garden zippy
As verb : brisk
As adjective : agile उ:   एमू एक भारी, किन्तु बड़ा फुर्तीला पक्षी है। alive Ex:  Many of the most important classical Brazilian composers who are still alive उ:   इसका नियमित सेवन शरीर को निरामय, सक्षम व फुर्तीला बनाता है। prompt Ex:  You apaiserez your father by prompt obedience lively Ex:  He had a lively movement nimble snappy vivacious volatile spry mercurial
Other : perk hasty slippy kedgy vivid Ex:  The debate read vivid expeditious limber operant pert Ex:  A criticism, a licensed expert expert Ex:  A criticism, a licensed expert lithe Ex:  It is a lithe man in its processes, in his remarks live Ex:  Many of the most important classical Brazilian composers who are still alive dapper busy Ex:  I'm too busy these days . smart
Suggested : engaged in action characterized by energetic work, participation, etc busy full or suggestive of life or vital energy active, vigorous, or brisk done, performed, delivered, etc, at once or without delay having life living existing not dead or lifeless quick and well-coordinated in movement lithe
Exampleफुर्तीला का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of phurtila Antonyms of phurtila

Word of the day
phurtila can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : phurtiilaa

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