Meaning of thik karna in english

Interpreting thik karna - ठीक करना
As noun : remedy Ex:  He experienced much relief this remedy
tweak cure Ex:  Animal Magnetism, or simply magnetism, Doctrine whose supporters believed we can produce on the human body by touching or passing, own impressions to cure diseases regulate Ex:  Laws to regulate measurement were originally developed to prevent fraud. modulate fiddle Ex:  I'm tired of playing second fiddle to John . change Ex:  While there are few characters and little change of scenery straighten Ex:  Sodium hydroxide has been used as a relaxer to straighten hair. tune up condition Ex:  47, XXY or XXY syndrome is a condition caused by a chromosome aneuploidy. set right modulation Ex:  In frequency modulation tune Ex:  They would rather tune in on Lucy". true Ex:  This proved to be true of many Maya inscriptions tinker centre Ex:  A large part of the historic city centre was destroyed
As verb : rectify Ex:  Correct, correct, rectify an error mend Ex:  Article Five describes the process necessary to amend the Constitution. adjust Ex:  To adjust and find the actual rise and run touch up put right fine tune set Ex:  In the early 20th century, calculus was formalized using axiomatic set theory. fix Ex:  In terms of carpentry, he said a bent iron instrument used to fix the wood that works correct Ex:  The only alternative is for ethical statements to be correct objective claims
Other : rectangular diagram to adjust Ex:  Action to adjust or result of this action touchup to regulate Ex:  All such methods are designed to regulate monthly bleeding. to rectify Ex:  Work to rectify an account to match Ex:  "There has never been a tennis player to match ". tuneup righten to correct Ex:  Behn was not available to correct or confirm any information fine-tune to pair Ex:  Originally intended to pair Davis with Joan Crawford to fit Ex:  Making a warhead small enough to fit onto a missile to recover Ex:  In particular, girls seem to recover well. to mend Ex:  Action to mend or result of this action to fashion Ex:  be a slave to fashion to refit Ex:  In terms of Arts, are used a forklift to refit ships, boarding the wheat rectified Ex:  Without assurances that these problems had been rectified prepare Ex:  To prepare for the season to prepare Ex:  6-2. Williams then traveled to Europe to prepare for the French Open. clear up to trim Ex:  This one, the one that makes business cutting, curling, arrange the hair and also to trim and shave his beard to amend Ex:  Article Five describes the process necessary to amend the Constitution. refit Ex:  In terms of Arts, are used a forklift to refit ships, boarding the wheat to punish Ex:  Madison and Jefferson decided on an embargo to punish Britain and France punish Ex:  Madison and Jefferson decided on an embargo to punish Britain and France to suit Ex:  Emacs can be customized to suit individual needs. amend Ex:  Article Five describes the process necessary to amend the Constitution. to set Ex:  FOCA threatened to set up a rival series vamp trim Ex:  This one, the one that makes business cutting, curling, arrange the hair and also to trim and shave his beard square Ex:  In a typical nursery, there are 150 to 200 animals per square metre.
Suggested : to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc a means of healing or restoring to health remedy to pinch and pull with a jerk and twist something that cures or relieves a disease or bodily disorder a healing medicine, application, or treatment to make, put, or set right remedy correct
Exampleठीक करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of thik karna

Word of the day
thik karna can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : Thiika karanaa

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