field meaning in marathi

Word: field
Meaning of field in english - open land that can be cultivated, persons taking part in competition, sphere of influence, activity, interest, study, arena with special use, as athletics, catch a hit or thrown object

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
sthalasthal ( स्थल-स्थळ )
Synonyms of field
meadow territory terrain range green grassland pasture ground garden plot patch tract acreage enclosure farmland lea moorland vineyard glebe tillage cropland ranchland possibilities contestants entrants participants candidates competitors entries nominees runners applicants province area region work environment job department line purview domain jurisdiction sweep orbit avocation racket occupation discipline weakness scope circle bailiwick reach specialty confines compass precinct walk calling thing dominion margin cup of tea long suit métier speciality demesne champaign limits bounds court track park course stadium turf golf course battlefield diamond theater circuit amphitheater playground grounds landing strip race track racecourse fairground gridiron rink playing area retrieve handle pick up deflect patrol cover stop occupy return hold deal with
Antonyms of field
sky entertainment fun pastime hobby ignore
Identical words :
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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