contemptible meaning in marathi

Word: contemptible
Meaning of contemptible in english - despicable, shameful

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
tuchh ( तुछ )
Synonyms of contemptible
worthless vile disgusting odious abhorrent hateful abominable abject bad base beggarly cheap crass degenerate detestable dirty heel ignoble ignominious inferior low lowest mean outcast paltry pitiful poor sad shabby sordid sorry unworthy wretched pitiable currish despisable low-down scummy scurvy
Antonyms of contemptible
kind pleasant pleasing delightful lovable admirable honorable loved worthy nice likeable admired good
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
contentedcontentmentcontiguouscontinued existencecontinuitycontinuous flow of incomecontinuous pouring of water over something or someonecontinuous rain and windcontinuous rain for seven dayscontinuous rainfallcontinuouscontinuously flowing or runningcontinuouslycontractioncontrol over sensual pleasurecontrolcontrolledcontrollercontrolling the mindcontroversyconvenienceconvergenceconversation about matters irrelevant to the religious lifeconversationconvictionconvulsion brought on by snake bitecooingcookcooked bits of jvārī milletcooked caṇā